Japanese Knotweed Removal

Japanese Knotweed Removal

Japanese Knotweed Removal

Active Site Clearance has a wealth of experience to draw upon in Japanese Knotweed removal. We have a wide range of bespoke treatments that are environmentally aware and cost effective solutions that fit the needs of our individual clients specifications and timescales for site clearance.

Active Site Clearance fully understands the importance of eradicating Japanese Knotweed and other species of Invasive Weeds to the speed and success of entire projects. Contacting us at the earliest stage of planning possible enables us to offer the client the widest range of cost effective solutions, the later it is left the more likely the options of Japanese Knotweed removal will become more expensive.

Active Site Clearance ensures that once the Japanese Knotweed has been destroyed it stays destroyed by offering a complete post eradication package to suit our clients needs and timescales.

Japanese Knotweed is the most invasive species in this country. It colonises large areas and is difficult to eradicate due to its extensive root system which can extend over 4 meters deep. Legislation restricts the spread of Japanese Knotweed therefore it is categorised as controlled waste and as such needs to be disposed of correctly.

Domestic Japanese Knotweed Removal

A chemical spraying programme with a 5 year guarantee for any domestic Japanese Knotweed Eradication up to 10m2 is £2480.

This includes the supply of a Japanese Knotweed Removal Management Plan that can be used when selling a property with Knotweed present or when attempting to obtain a morgage for a property with Knotweed present.

For more information on Japanese Knotweed please visit the Environment Agency.

For more info on Japanese Knotweed Removal please send an online enquiry or telephone us on 01257 462252.

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